The 2014 season definitely didn’t end the way I would have hoped if I consider how the last races went. Breaking a couple of ribs in my 2nd last race was definitely not ideal, nonetheless 7 weeks off the bike was about to start. This was the first time I had ever taken such a long time off from any sort of exercise so you can imagine it lead to some interesting times when I eventually got going on the bike again.
Meeting all the new guys for the team and all the sponsors could not have gone better than the way it did down at the Spier Wine Estate. It was such a great bonding experience among all the riders. From the moment the camp started you could feel the energy around the team and what was in store for us for 2015, BIG THINGS!
Getting back into the swing of things took what felt like forever for me, plus having to take it slower this December compared to previous years drove me crazy in some ways but also motivated me in others. 2015 is panning out to be a great year already, especially with the big news that the team received a wild card entry to the Tour de France. What a moment in history for Africa and what a moment for the Team.
I just really cant wait to get going on the 2015 season now!
Until next time, ciao!